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Sewing and Cementing: The Northern Rubber Co. Ltd., Guelph, September 1932
Northern Rubber Company staff in 1932.
Present Day Site of Taylor-Forbes and W.C. Wood
A view of the site from the Neeve Street bridge looking up the Speed River.
1935 Biltmore Hats Employees
A photo of the workers of Biltmore Hats in 1935, previous to the company's move to Morris Street and York Road.
1938 Biltmore Strike Committee
The Biltmore Hats Strike Committee in a residential area, 1938.
Aerial Photograph of Harding Yarns Worsted Spinning Plant
Harding Yards Worsted Spinning Plant circa 1950. This is during the stage of highest employment at the mill between Cross Street, Neeve Street, and Arthur Street.
Aerial Photograph of the Guelph Carpet Factory on Neeve Street
Slightly to the left of the centre of the photograph just underneath the Speed River, is the Guelph Carpet Facotry operation on Neeve Street.
Bag From Gilson Manufacturing Company
A bag, likely from Gilson's early period manufacturing farm machinery.
Biltmore Beaver Pelt Felt Hat
The use of felt in the production of this hat harkens back to a high point in the success of Biltmore Hats in the Ward. Biltmore, in 1953, accumulated enough capital to buy out their supplier Lancashire Felt on the corner of York and Morris and…
Biltmore Hats' Location on Suffolk Street
Biltmore Hats' central location previous to the 1953 purchase of Lancashire Felt. The building is on the northwest corner of Suffolk and Yorkshire Streets.
Biltmore Madhatters Crest
Biltmore Madhatters crest from an unspecified year.
Bird's Eye View from College Heights
On the right side of the photograph, you can see smoke plumes rising from the industrial landscape of St. Patirck's Ward.