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Sacred Heart School Boxing Club

The Sacred Heart School Boxing Club was composed, predominantly, of Italian youth. This photo is from 1945.
Aerial Photograph of the Guelph Carpet Factory on Neeve Street

Slightly to the left of the centre of the photograph just underneath the Speed River, is the Guelph Carpet Facotry operation on Neeve Street.
Aerial Photograph of Harding Yarns Worsted Spinning Plant

Harding Yards Worsted Spinning Plant circa 1950. This is during the stage of highest employment at the mill between Cross Street, Neeve Street, and Arthur Street.
Present Day Site of Taylor-Forbes and W.C. Wood

A view of the site from the Neeve Street bridge looking up the Speed River.
Present Day Site of Taylor-Forbes and W.C. Wood

A photograph taken from Arthur Street of what remains of the industrial legacy that existed between Neeve, Cross, and Arthur Streets.
Grist Mill on Alan Site

Across the Speed River from the Alan Mill was the Alan Mill distillery. It was on the former site of the distillery that the Taylor-Forbes Company and later the W.C. Wood Company was constructed.
Bird's Eye View, Taylor-Forbes Company

A view of the Taylor-Forbes Company building in an unknown year.