

A special thanks to the Guelph Civic Museum, the Wellington County Museum, Jennifer Marvin from the Data Resource Centre at the University of Guelph McLaughlin Library, and the University of Guelph McLaughlin Library Archives staff. Without the help of these individuals and organizations, my project would have been much more difficult.

Allan, David.  "Part One: Early Industrial Life of Guelph."
Guelph Historical Society Publications.Vol. VI No.7. Guelph: The Guelph Historical Society, 1934.

Assesment Roll for the Municipality of the City of Guelph. St. Patrick's Ward, Division Number 1, 1897.
Guelph Public Library Information: Guelph - - Town & Township Assessment Rolls, Roll 17 of 17 1897-1898.

Belanger, Helene. "The Meaning of the Built Environment During Gentrification in Canada." Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. 27. no. 1 (2012).

Crowley, Terry.  "Meeting Place: Ward One Guelph." Historic Guelph: The Royal City.Vol. LI. Edited by Ann Guthrie. Guelph: The Guelph Historical Society, 2012.

Crowley, Terry. Ward One Guelph: A Walking Tour From The Eramosa River to the Bluffs. Guelph: Guelph Arts Council, 2010.

Daniel, Loehndorf. "The Canadian Inquisition: The Creation of Hempire Village." Cannabis Culture Magazine, 11-12 1997. http://www.iamm.com/hempire-village.htm (accessed March 31, 2013).

Durtnell, B.M. "Guelph's Beloved Mayor.
" Historic Guelph: The Royal City. Vol. XXIX. Edited by Ruth and Eber Pollard. Guelph: The Guelph Historical Society, 1990.

Dyas, John H. and
C.M. Nichols. "Anno Domini 1908: Special Industrial Souvenir Number of the Guelph Daily Mercury of Guelph Canada." Guelph Daily Mercury, 1908.

Fear, Jon. "Flash from the Past: Gilson Manufacturing President Kept a Private Wildlife Sanctuary." Guelph Mercury, December 9th, 2011.

Gilbank, R. "James Walter Lyon." Publication of the Guelph Historical Society. Vol. XII No. 1. Guelph: The Guelph Historical Society, 1961.

Guelph, Canada, the City That Owns a Railroad. 1942. University of Guelph Library, Guelph McLaughlin Restricted Collection F5499.G8 G8

Guelph: Perspectives on a Century of Change, 1900-2000. Ed. by Dawn Matheson and Rosemary Anderson. Guelph: The Guelph Historical Society, 2000.

"History as it Relates to Today." The Ward Residents' Association: St. Patrick's Ward, Guelph, Ontario (blog), http://www.thewardresidentsassociation.com/History_as_it_Relates_to_Today.html (accessed February 13th, 2013).

Johnson, Leo A. History of Guelph 1827-1927. Guelph: Guelph Historical Society, 1977.

Lovell, Jessica. "Developer Eyes New Plant Life." Guelph Tribune, February 16th, 2010.

"No Ballads But Something to Croon About." Guelph Mercury, Progress Edition, 1970.

Nolan, Daniel. "Former Guelph Pot Advocate Walter Tucker Dies at 79." Guelph Mercury, April 27th, 2012.

"Old Factories Alive and Well Serving New City Purposes." Guelph Tribune, Heritage Week Edition. February 16, 2010.

Stead, Hillary. Guelph: A People's Heritage 1827-2002. Guelph: City of Guelph, 2002.

"Streetcars in Guelph:The History of the Guelph Radial Railway."
Historic Guelph: The Royal City Vol. XXII . Guelph: The Guelph Historical Society, 1983.

Why we chose Guelph : the story of Guelph, Ontario's Royal City. Guelph: City of Guelph, 1945. Univeristy of Guelph Library, Guelph McLaughlin Archives, Guelph Historical Society Collection, XR1 MS A324025 Boxed With XR1 MS A324017